General Instructions

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The CESST 2025 Conference accepts contributions in the form of regular conference papers, posters, industry contributions, and sponsorships, according to the guidelines reported below and respecting good research practice.

All accepted and registered papers will be published in International Conference Proceedings, which will be sent to EI Compendex and Scopus etc. for indexing.

Regular Conference papers

All submissions must be in English.

Each contribution must be prepared following the Paper Template that incorporates the correct formatting specifications.

The authors may choose Microsoft Word, PDF, or WordPerfect document file format.


For presentation purposes at the conference, the authors must prepare the poster in portrait format. The accepted dimensions are 60 (width) x 80 (length).

Industry Contributions

CESST encourages the exchange of ideas and technologies between academic and industrial scientists. The scientific program of CESST 2025 will consist of regular and special track sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee as well as keynote talks given by leading experts in their fields. CESST 2025 aims to host high-quality papers about industry and real case applications as well as allow researchers leading international projects to show to the scientific community the main aims, goals, and results of their projects. Enhance, we have organized a specific Projects and Industry Track.

Contributions can be submitted as regular conference papers or posters by marking “Projects and Industry Track” when you make the submission.

Sponsorship Proposals

An international conference is a great way for scholars with a common interest to get together and exchange the most cutting-edge ideas in their concerned fields.

We welcome cooperation from colleges, academic institutions, universities, departments, industries and governments to collaborate for the successful organization of international conferences, workshops and seminars. We plan and manage collaborative events to ensure they offer world-class content and an excellent delegate experience and that all runs smoothly.

Benefits of being a Sponsor/Co-organizer:

Display the organization name and Logo on the conference website and conference publicity materials

Mention in the opening ceremony

Free exhibit space in the Lounge

Free exhibit in the virtual conference room (If any)

Standing banners stating sponsorship at the entrance and the exit of the venue

Several delegates attend meetings free of charge, enjoy free meals and social contact

Possibility of extra discount for submitting paper to the conference

The name and logo will remain at least 1 year in the conference website

Please feel free to contact us at if you are interested.